FAQ: Everything You Want to Know About Breast Work
At Columbus Cosmetic, our team is committed to providing top-tier care and results. We do what we do because we want you to feel like your best self! Even so, we know surgeries can be anxiety-provoking and come with their fair share of questions. If you have questions about breast work at our office, we have answers for you!
Q: Am I too old/young for a breast augmentation?
A: The answer to this question is unique to your specific goals, lifestyle, and needs. What makes breast augmentations a good or bad fit is based on the actual patient, not their age. The best way to determine whether a breast augmentation is right for you is to talk with our experts.
Q: How difficult is the recovery process?
A: Not difficult at all! While it is expected that the first few days after surgery may require lots of healing and rest, our patients can typically resume light activity in 1-2 days. Initial healing takes about 5-10 days, after which most patients are able to return to work. The full recovery process takes up to 3 months, but you will be feeling like yourself again much before then. The 3-month mark generally represents when the breasts are fully healed and have reached their final result/appearance.
Q: Do I get to pick the size of my implants?
A: You will have a lot of options for your breast augmentation. But don’t worry! Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft will break down everything you need to know during your consultation. They’ll help you select a size that is most compatible with your body type, lifestyle, and overall health, as well as a material that ensures safety and a natural appearance.
Q: What kind of implants do you use?
A: Many patients are curious about the difference between silicon and saline implants. Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft use brands like Sientra®. Our plastic surgeons will speak and work closely with you to determine which is best depending on which look you are aiming for. Learn more about the various nuances of these implants and related breast augmentation technology here.
Q: Do you offer reconstructive services? What about breast cancer survivors?
A: Yes! We know that breast reconstruction can be an important part of any survivor’s holistic healing process, and we are honored to offer these services. Some survivors may not yet be sure about their stance on breast reconstruction, and we are here to answer questions and dispel some of that uncertainty. There is no drawback to taking time to think about this decision. If and when you are ready, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft are here for you. They’ve worked hand in hand with oncology teams before and will keep an open line of communication while delivering compassionate care. Rest assured, you can trust our team to help you achieve your goals.
Q: What are the most common breast augmentation complications?
A: With surgeons who are as experienced as Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft, complications are rare. The most common breast augmentation complications include capsular contracture, changes in sensation, rupture, and asymmetry. Factors like your surgeon’s skill and your implant type can all minimize the risk of complications. When they do occur, it is important to be communicative with your surgeon as soon as you notice any problems.
Q: Is it true that breast implants give you cancer?
A: In the United States, the overwhelming majority of breast implants are safe for patients and have no cancer links. However, several years ago, some textured breast implants—a specific subset of implants—were linked to a handful of cancer cases and recalled. These implants were not commonly used in the United States and our office never offered them.
To learn more about the recall, watch Dr. Houser’s interview on Fox28, where he detailed the situation, recommendations going forward, and what symptoms to look out for if you do have textured implants.
Q: Is breast work right for me?
Are you curious if an augmentation, reduction, reconstruction, or lift is right for you? Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft are here to help! If you have any further questions, feel free to call us at 614.890.5565 and schedule a consultation.