Breast Reduction Columbus Ohio

Breast Reduction Columbus Ohio

Often identified as one of the fastest ways to improve a patient’s quality of life, breast reduction surgery (reduction mammoplasty) is a highly rewarding procedure for patients, as well as for Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft.
Why choose a breast reduction?

Why choose a breast reduction?

Women seeking breast reduction have various motivations, but the common theme is that oversized breasts are holding them back from the life they want to live. They’re spending too much money on heavy-duty bras; experiencing chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain; are unable to exercise as often as, or in the way, they want to; and are unable to wear the clothes they like most. Additionally, younger patients experiencing developmental macromastia (a condition that causes breasts to grow abnormally large) often come to us with emotional pain because of negative attention from their peers during their teenage years. Patients enter Columbus Cosmetic exhausted and ready for freedom.

How do I know if I’m ready for a breast reduction?

If any of the above conditions apply to you, we certainly recommend scheduling a consultation with us. During your consultation at our Ohio practice, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft will establish that you are at a stable weight given that future weight gain or loss will affect the results of a breast reduction. They will also confirm that you are in overall good health and that your breasts are done developing. If pregnancy and breastfeeding are still a future consideration for you, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft will thoroughly discuss the potential impact breast reduction can have on breastfeeding, as well as the impact pregnancy/breastfeeding can have on the results of your procedure.

How do I know if I’m ready for a breast reduction?
Preparing for breast reduction surgery

Preparing for breast reduction surgery

Preparing for breast reduction surgery involves several key steps. First, you will attend a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons where you will discuss your goals, medical history, and expectations for surgery. The consultation will also help your plastic surgeon to determine whether you are a healthy candidate for breast reduction. You’ll likely be advised to undergo preoperative lab tests to ensure your overall health and detect any preexisting conditions.

As with all surgeries, Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft ask patients who are smokers to cease smoking several weeks in advance of the procedure and delay starting again (if at all) until well after recovery. Your plastic surgeon may also recommend adjusting certain medications, such as pain relievers and blood thinners, to minimize potential risks during the procedure.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

Breast reductions involve the removal of unwanted skin, fat, and tissue, and include any needed adjustments to the shape and placement of the nipples. Occasionally, liposuction is also used to optimize results, as liposuction can help add definition and enhance the shape of the breasts. While every breast reduction case and every patient’s body is different, the surgical incision is typically done using an “anchor” technique that encircles the areola and extends down the underside of the breast, then across in each direction at the breast fold. Most incision scars will become flat and thin within a year of surgery, and most patients report that any visible scarring on the skin is well worth the exchange for less pain and more freedom of movement.

The Breast Reduction Procedure
Recovery and Results

Recovery and Results

Recovery times vary for each person, but generally, breast reduction requires about two weeks. After the surgery, bandages or gauze will be applied to your incisions. You will use a surgical bra during the weeks after your breast reduction to provide support to the reconstructed breast and to minimize swelling. Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions for surgery recovery, including how to care for your incisions, medications that may be beneficial, and when to schedule follow-up appointments. It’s important to follow your plastic surgery provider’s instructions to ensure a successful recovery during the weeks and months after breast reduction.

The Benefits of Breast Reductions

Women consider breast reduction surgery for a variety of reasons, including chronic pain, skin irritation, and difficulty finding clothing that fits their body. Breast reduction surgery offers a solution to alleviate these issues and create a more balanced body silhouette. By reducing the size of the breasts, breast reduction can give women relief from physical discomfort and skin inflammation, and enable them to enjoy improved mobility and a boost in self-esteem.

The Benefits of Breast Reductions

Pain Relief

Imagine your breasts are like a heavy brow: just as a brow lift can open up your face, breast reduction can significantly relieve the burden heavy breasts place on your body. Large breasts often contribute to pain in the back, neck, and shoulders, and breast reduction surgery helps to diminish, or even completely eliminate, persistent pain for many individuals. Large breasts can also make it more difficult to maintain proper posture, as they often exert a downward pull and lead to rounded shoulders. Breast reduction effectively alleviates this burden, resulting in a lighter chest that enables healthy posture.

Reduced skin irritation

Larger breasts can also lead to skin irritation, including chafing and heat rash. This irritation typically arises in the skin around and beneath the breast fold and stems from friction caused by excess skin. Breast reduction tackles skin irritation by reducing the size of the breasts and lifting them, mitigating the risk of discomfort induced by surplus skin. This both improves comfort and promotes healthier skin, giving patients freedom from enduring skin-related concerns.

Confidence boost

Breast reduction surgery not only brings physical relief, but also offers patients a boost in confidence. For many women, living with disproportionately large breasts can lead to feelings of self-consciousness. The decision to undergo breast reduction surgery often stems from the desire to align one’s body with their self-image, resulting in a more proportionate appearance. This transformation enables patients to embrace their lives with renewed confidence, ultimately enhancing their overall well-being and allowing them to fully appreciate their bodies.

Our breast surgery options

In addition to breast reduction, we also provide patients with a number of other breast procedures, including (but not limited to), breast augmentation surgery and breast lift surgery.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common procedure for women seeking to increase the size of their breasts or replace lost volume. Also called augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation uses fat transfer or breast implants to provide augmentation to the breasts. Breast augmentation surgery can also be used to restore volume that may have decreased after weight loss or pregnancy, create a more rounded breast, and/or improve the symmetry of the breasts.

Breast lift

Many of our patients also choose to undergo breast lift surgery, which is performed to lift and reshape the breasts. Breast lift surgery can be performed with or without implants, depending on patient needs. The breast lift surgery involves a repositioning of the nipple to provide natural-looking results. It can often be performed in conjunction with another breast surgery, such as breast augmentation, or separately after surgery. Breast lift surgery provides significant lift to the breasts, giving patients comprehensive rejuvenation.

Each of these plastic surgery procedures is performed for both cosmetic and health reasons. As with breast reduction, it is likely that you can combine these procedures with liposuction to enhance the results of the plastic or cosmetic surgery. If you are interested in learning more about any of these procedures, call to schedule a consultation with us. Whether you are seeking reduction, augmentation, or lift, we offer a range of plastic surgery procedures to suit your needs.

Our breast surgery options
Patient-centered Care in Columbus Ohio

Patient-centered Care in Columbus Ohio

Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft’s practice in Columbus Ohio is an accredited surgical facility through the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, which means that your procedure takes place in the same convenient location where your consultation and all previous surgery appointments occurred. Your breast reduction, like the majority of the procedures Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft provide, will be done while you are under twilight sedation (unless general anesthesia is requested). Twilight sedation allows for an easier and more gentle recovery, with less postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Transform your breasts at Columbus Cosmetic

At Columbus Cosmetic, your care is our priority. We are one of the top providers of plastic and cosmetic surgery in Ohio, and we pride ourselves on giving patients exceptional results. Ohio patients leave our practice highly pleased with their experiences, from consultation, to surgery, to recovery.

If now is the right time to finally find the relief, confidence, and freedom you’ve always wanted, call us today to schedule your Columbus breast reduction. We look forward to seeing the joy that breast reduction can give you.

Five-Star Review
I recently had a breast reduction performed by Dr. Houser. I just want to say how impressed I am with his professionalism and his bedside manner. He takes away your fears and replaces them with confidence in knowing that you are in good hands.


Five-Star Review
My experience at Columbus Cosmetic has been top notch. I was and continue to be blown away by the professionalism and service provided by Dr. Kraft, his nurse Ashley, and every staff member encountered. From my consultation, to post-op, they continuously gave me peace of mind by providing knowledge and comfort. Not to mention, my results are better than I imagined possible.

Kristen D.

Five-Star Review
I went to Dr. Robert Houser when I was younger for a breast reduction. I had developed very early in life, and my breasts were very large and saggy. I always knew I wanted a breast reduction, but waited until I was in college. I’m so very happy with how they turned out, and feel so much better! Now I’m 36 and they’re still amazing, and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I no longer feel self conscious, can wear what I want, and feel great!

Alicia P.

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