Post-Weight Loss Body Lift Surgery Columbus Ohio
Losing a large amount of weight can be the most hard-fought and heroic battle of your life—and yet, even after achieving your goal, you may still find yourself without the body you desire. Unsightly excess skin can form around your abdomen, chest, legs, and other areas. But you needn’t live with these remnants of your former body—they can be removed with a variety of safe procedures.
The results of these surgeries are permanent in some patients. The patients who see the best long-term results are those who maintain a stable weight, refrain from smoking, and are in good overall health. In some cases, patients can have the procedures performed during visits for other procedures.
In most cases, your procedures will be performed on site in Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft’s accredited surgical suite, in the same convenient location of all your prior appointments. Most procedures are performed under twilight sedation or epidural anesthesia, which allows for faster, less painful recovery and less postoperative nausea and vomiting. Some people worry that body contouring will require long recovery times, but because of Dr. Houser and Dr. Kraft’s advanced techniques, most of their patients are able to recover from these procedures in only two to three weeks.
If you’ve lost the weight and now you’re ready to lose the extra skin and tissue too, call Columbus Cosmetic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Houser or Dr. Kraft. Join the many people who have found amazing relief through a body lift.
Rashell S.
Dr. Kraft is great! He’s been so personable and friendly. Thank you for all of your hard work. I love my results and would recommend him to any of my friends and family!
Sydney F.
Lori B.